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Old 08-02-2005, 04:32 PM
me1tdown me1tdown is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 42
Default Re: Reviewing your own HHs

One way would be to use a utility such as PokerTracker which has the ability to replay hands among other things. I'd start by looking at plays where you busted out and see if you made correct decisions or not ( ie, you made the right play but suffered a bad beat vs. you got caught up in a pot you should have folded preflop ). The next thing to do is to decide if a previous bad play put you in a tough positon where you were busted out. ( This excellent point was made today in the forum, but I can't find the thread or remember the poster's name, so I apologize to the original stater of this idea for not giving you due credit. ) There's lots of ways to go from there -- let us know what is working for you.
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