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Old 12-18-2005, 01:43 PM
InchoateHand InchoateHand is offline
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Default Re: Not being able to STAY asleep

Almost all sleep medications will get you to sleep, few will keep you asleep, and the rebound effect may contribute even further difficulties to your present situation. Alcohol especially--as your body breaks it down, a lot of people find themselves waking up.

I also have your problem, and it intersects unhappily with my major difficulties getting to sleep in the first place. After over ten years of various regimes, various sleeping medications, many moves, job changes, etc. I can offer you no solution.

Certainly the situation is greatly exacerbated by stress--I wake up most frequently, and sleep most fitfully, when my mind is "racing," and in the past that has almost always occured for work and/or school related reasons.

Good luck.
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