Thread: Weak
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Old 03-22-2004, 12:35 AM
triplc triplc is offline
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Default Re: Weak

Doesn't sound that weak to me. Here you have the benefit of acting last and seeing a couple of very disturbing things. First, a min raise from a big stack is troubling, if for no other reason than he can bust you if you mess with him. Then, an all-in from a short stack which could mean anything, but you figure he must have something if he's willing to mess with the big stack who just raised.

So, you're choices are call the all-in, and risk being put all-in by the big stack (then what?), or called and seeing an Aceless/kingless flop (which happened...and then what?).
You could raise all-in, but if the big stack does have you with KK or AA then you are in big trouble. OR...if he just simply sucks out on you...then you're dead, too.

Sure, the results indicate that you would have won, but I'd call that a good laydown early in the SnG.

Did you end up cashing?

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