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Old 12-13-2005, 08:09 PM
gamblore99 gamblore99 is offline
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Default Re: to live or not to live (the lesser of two evils)--kind of long

I am for pulling the plug, and in certain circumstances actually doing the killing. Its very stupid do have someone lying on there death bed, with no hope of a cure and making them suffer an extra week just because "all life is precious". People should be allowed to die with dignity and not be forced to suffer pointlessly. as for your grandpa, Once the decision is made that its best for him not to go on, I would want it to be as painless as possible (heavy drugs, up to the point of being lethal if necessary).

One thing though, is that the state your grampa is in sounds like I would still prefer it to death. Ya taking pills sucks, and so does chronic pain, but I think you can still get some good out of life.

P.S. sorry about your grandpa.
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