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Old 12-09-2005, 02:02 AM
Zetack Zetack is offline
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Default Re: Casino Pros Are Dinosaurs

These sarcastic posts are as pointless as being a casino pro unless u are playing 20/40 nl and higher...

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, like there was any point to your post?

Your post was useless. There's a tremendous variation in skill between various live play pros. There also a tremendous variation in skill between online pros. It makes it really hard to say anything meaningful about a random online pro versus a random (20 year successful) live play pro.

So you'll take a guy whose been a pro online for a year with a 1.3 BB/100 winrate making say 80k over, oh, I don't know...Mason Malmuth?

And take them at what? Heads up? Full table? Live or online?

Like I said worthless.

Having said that, I tend to like a guy who's made a solid living for twenty years at this game over a guy who has made his living at it for a year online.

If your point, on the other hand, is that you can get a whole lot of experience really really fast online, and so its possible for a good onling player to catch up to the experienced live play pros in a relatively short period of time...yeah, I gotta buy that.

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