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Old 10-02-2005, 01:12 AM
MMMMMM MMMMMM is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2002
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Default jokerswild may have returned yet again...

...and is likely posting under the username of "whyrant?".

jokerswild was banned on 8/16/05. whyrant? was registered on 8/28/05. whyrant? seems to be using the same very distinctive style as did jokerswild (one could almost call it a unique style). Given that he thus far has only 10 posts to his credit this may as yet be inconclusive, but I already feel the chances are very high.

He hasn't yet started the severe name-calling, or things like that, but I suspect it is just a matter of time.

A couple of examples from whyrant? follow, with boldings added to highlight the strongest telltale jokerswild identifying stylemarks:

Re: ???s for conservatives and repub supportters- Delay
09/30/05 03:21 AM

The conservatives here,as elsewhere, tend to be bigots. They believe that the ends justify the means. The ends are their economic enrichment. The means are killing whoever it takes. They care nothing for the constitution, and rejoice in extortion backed up by a biased police state.

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Re: Eight Steps To Destroy America
09/17/05 03:47 AM

Dick Lamm lost credibility in Colorado when it was revealed that as Governor he wrote a letter of reccomendation to the Nevada State Gaming Commission requesting that they grant a license to Meyer Blinder. This was a deal called American Leisure. It was also revealed that a 5k investment by Lamm that year returned 50k in risk free stock transactions.

Meyer has passed now. It's interesting how many people in Vegas that did business with people like Meyer are permitted to still frequent casinos.

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