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Old 12-06-2005, 06:42 PM
savman savman is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 163
Default Re: Battle of the blinds, totally lost

i run into guys like this. obviously it is better if there has been a showdown so u have a better idea of what villain is willing to back his stack with. having said that, the fact xorbie has TP3K is almost (but not quite) a non-issue here. assuming this guy is the type; there are maniacs who: love to raise pf, auto pot flop, auto pot turn REGARDLESS of the values in their hand. (they also fall in love with doing it and do it way to pfr 20%.) since we know/suspect he is taking this action with any two he is raising with...u can call flop checkrz turn all in with any two and he just cant call unless he actually has a hand this time (i.e. i submit hero can show a profit doing this against villan with any two cards...math guys feel free to correct me...assuming 15-20% pff).

of course if u have top pair then it is even better, b/c they are aware and will loosen their calling standard. therefore, sometimes villan will call with a hand we beat, and he calls with anything that beats us.(i am contending that the times he folds/calls with somethning like A10 makes up for the times he has AA/AQ etc.; plus metagame) since we have a pair and not air we do have some equity the times he calls with hands that beat us.

now i am sure u are thinking....hey savman, if we think we are ahead here why not call and let villain bluff his chips to us. i am glad u asked. first, we dont have any information on villain river play. for all we know he gives up on A high after the turn. if we knew he fires all in on any river all the time then we should probably call. but it takes a true maniac to fire three barrels on complete air (which is essentially all we beat) and if villain is unwilling to put anymore money in the pot unimproved then we should push to close him as he will frequently be drawing live. additionally, the pot is going to be huge, we have no info on his hand, and if i am calling turn i am calling river. [insert line about river action being -EV] if we had a stronger holding, like a boat or set, i would just call and take my chances on him firing again with air/hope he has a decent hand/hope river improves him to a second best hand. also, raising is better for metagame regardless of whether he calls.

edit: some of this seems conflicting when i reread it so feel free to rip it apart. i will try and get my thoughts together better.
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