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Old 12-29-2005, 12:12 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: AA - How to Protect My Hand


pre-flop : pretty standard, the alternative is secondhand low, in which you limp, then hope there's a raise behind, then you re-raise.

flop: I wouldn't check, you want to make them pay while you're ahead. also as you're the pre-flop raiser, your bet could just be a standard continuation bet after you've missed.

turn : standard, I've no idea what the sb has.

river : damn, you know he's just made it, but i'd probably call down here, for only one bet into this pot. there's an argument for folding too, but if you win in this situation about 1 time in nine (i think) it's plus ev. if he'd checked, then i'd check too. there's no way i'd raise him after a bet.
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