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Old 11-20-2005, 02:18 PM
IggyWH IggyWH is offline
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Default Re: If not \"Two Beers, Officer\", then what?

This could easily explain to the cop the reason he might smell "bar" on you.

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But how would you explain the alcohol on your breathe?

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If you talk to a cop with alcohol on your breath, then you are a moron. This is what gum/mints/whatever is for.

I'm not talking about popping 10 mints in your mouth right after you get pulled over because that would be obvious, but it doesn't hurt to have some in your car and pop a couple when you're leaving the bar.

Anyways, it's not sexy to a girl to smell beer on your breath. I almost always chew gum when out drinking. The key is cinnamon gum... it works for smell and it doesn't change the taste of your drinks.
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