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Old 12-21-2005, 07:03 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Ethics of spreading false information

I gave on example, religion is definitely mis-information designed to control people.

A better example may be something like voting on whether to join a single currency. Lets say the correct answer is 'Yes' (I'm not sure after a BA Finance). Maybe 200 people in the UK actually understand the issue at hand and which decision best increase UK EV, but the general public will vote on it, and they will vote "no" because they are on average patriotic racists with no clue about money.

Either we get them all to do PHDs in finance, or we tell them they need to vote in x direction or they will all lose their jobs and aliens will invade and commence wide-spread anal probing.

I would have no problem propogating that misinformation if it would be for their own good and they will be financially better off with no other downsides.

EDIT: I love the idea of treating people as intelligent "free thinking autonomous agents". But they ARE too stupid. Thats why the UK has a huge problem with debt on credit and store cards. Ideally there would be little tax, no benefits, and everyone would make independent decisions about their destiny and take responsibility for their actions. But it doesn't work.
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