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Old 09-05-2005, 03:32 PM
DavidC DavidC is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 292
Default Re: Just got pulled over by the cops while walking at night

Then I'd find you guilty of interfering with a police officer and put your pitiful butt to work at community service during 60% of every free minute you have for the next 6 months.

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I didn't interfere with him at all. I just didn't help him. I identified myself when asked, and told him where I lived.


You sound, to me, exactly like the guy who screams every time some pissant's "rights" are "violated,"

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Well, put it this way. I'm not asking for the "right" to free ice cream or something. I'm basically asking to live without interference.


and yet you chose to abuse your own. Is it any wonder law enforcement people feel like nobody really gives a damn? You simply prove their point.

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I'm 24 years old. Since age 18 I've been pulled over by the cops something like 15-20 times... It's only been thrice this summer but it seems like once a month in the summer and once per 2.5 months in the off-season in the past.

Out of these times, once was to help locate some kids that were running away from home: I obliged.

Another time, I was carrying half a bottle of zinfandel back from a party and I got a $120 fine, even though I wasn't drunk.

Every other time they've just wanted to know where I was going. On several occassions I've had them really grill me about it.

I hate it when they shine lights in my eyes, especially spotlights from cars. I can't really describe how angry it makes me or some of the things that it makes me consider. I'd certainly not choose to publish them here.

I was really happy to help out with the kids situation, but everything other than that has been halfway between bothersome and really f-king irritating, to downring invasive.


Since you like to walk around at 4 a.m., isn't it be nice to know there are police doing their duty at that time, not parked somewhere sleeping...?

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It's a beautiful thing, man. And I do like it.


I'd have gone out of my way to make friends with these guys. Then, whenever they saw me, they'd probably wave and drive on by.

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You'd be surprised how seldom this happens. Out of the 15-20 times: once. Did that make it all worthwhile? No.


I'd feel comfortable knowing they were "on the job" and available if I ever needed them.

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I am. I just don't want them to talk to me unless they have a damn good reason, and if I tell them that I'm only going to identify myself and that's it, I want them to be done with it: they know where to find me if they have evidence to arrest me, once I've identified myself.
