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Old 12-19-2005, 02:58 PM
climber climber is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 53
Default Re: My losing streak wins!!

I realize this likely isn't what you are looking for in this thread and I'm not sure if strategy is allowed in BBV or not but here goes.

OK you recognize your BB is horrible--thats important.
Read some Peter_rus stuff (Nov 04- Mar 05 if I had to guess)to correct that and ditch the phrase "blind battle" from your vocab. If anything I think you are slightly too aggro postflop and the combination of not playing enough hands from the BB and thinking of each one as a "battle" is gonna just lead to major spewage as you have experienced.

"sometimes its tight/aggressive to check call"
--quote from the archives (Tommy Angelo maybe?)

However I think the big problem with your game lies in your position stats. I'm not gonna spell it out for you too much but here is a link with some stats of some very good players and if you look at the differences betwen your position stats (VP$IP and PFR) I think a lot of what you are doing wrong should be pretty apparent.

Best of luck.
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