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Old 12-20-2005, 04:59 PM
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Default Re: Scientists Find A DNA Change That Accounts For White Skin

As I stated earlier in this thread, dont compare blacks to whites, to much baggage associated with race that could easily dissway a very valid question, discussion. Instead compare blacks to asians, and with a straight face say that blacks are not athletically, physic8lly superior to Asians. If your argument is that the reason American sports are dominated by blacks is because they work harder then their white counterparts, then thats absurd and I dare anyone to suggest the opposite is true in the corporate might be handed your walking papers. Go to any playground, the number of 5'9'' black guys that can dunk a basket ball compared to white, asians of that size isnt even close.

Ill do you one better, pick the top colleges in America, blind fold yourself and throw a dart at said schools...and then look at the track and field athletes and get back to me...I find it amazing that a country of over 1 billion(China) doesnt dominate the track and field world, especially considering we all know how dedicated the chinese are when pursing something of value and the Gold metal holds alot of weight over there. The problem here is that many people(with tears streaming down their cheeks, wanting, believeing that we are in fact all the same) are not believeing whats right in front of them. yes our similarities are far far greater then our differences...but there are differences.
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