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Old 09-18-2005, 05:06 PM
Rolen Rolen is offline
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Posts: 246
Default Re: My lack of ability to psychologically condense events

That's very interesting.. As you probably would have guessed, my choices were a for the first and b for the second. I think it can be applied to poker in that, as in example A, many people after winning to start off a session will 'quit when they are ahead', taking the gain they have just attained, rather than risking it. As for example B, this can be likened to the roulette player. If he is $100 down, the pain of going to $200 down is less than the positive he will experience if he gets to break even again. A loss is a loss whether it be $100 or $200, so most people want to have the chance of losing 0.

In reply to the second post in this thread, I wasn't kidding when I said this is a hypothetical situation. I am more concerned about how this concept applys to (my) life in general. I thought people here would appreciate it being 'translated' into language they most certainly understand.
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