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Old 10-23-2004, 07:51 PM
Mikey Mikey is offline
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Default Re: I\'m A Poker Expert!

"I'm sorry Mikey, but that's just not true. I can't prove it to you other than to say, "Go try it out," but often the flop bettor will have a small pair or ace-high (especially online) and will fold it on the turn."

I agree with this statement although I believe its being taken out of context when the flop is T 9 5r. This flop although it is rainbow hits many type of card combinations. That is why I feel it is essential to take the 2 free cards with the flop raise. You have to look at the board texture.

Some flop boards give you more leverage but with this board specifically because it touches many hand combinations I feel in my experience that by betting the turn almost defeats the purpose of the flop raise.

"People fold all the time on the turn after betting the flop."

This statement is not 100% true and I believe you can agree with me on that but, the percentage of the time when someone does fold on the turn is not when the board is coordiated like this and you have been bet into on the flop being the preflop agressor.
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