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Old 12-24-2004, 07:35 PM
squiffy squiffy is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 816
Default Re: What to do with some extra money?

So every time you have an investing idea, give a little post and people can offer their insights, if any. And sometimes just writing out your thoughts helps clarify your thinking.

Also see if you can find an investing club on campus to seek out info from talented classmates, whether undergrads or Bschool students.

When I went to law school, there was a kid in undergrad who eventually came to the law school on the same campus. He used to play a lot of chess and was from S. Africa. He was quite conservative politically, so I didn't really get to know him, being a liberal myself.

But in hindsight I really should have joined the conservative club or the young entrepreneur's club, etc., to learn more.

This guy ends up being one of the founders of PayPal and is a multi millionaire now. I have seen him on CNBC a few times.

I am not saying that knowing him would have made me a millionaire by age 40. But who knows what I could have learned talking to him about chess or investments, etc.????

Anyway I heard his dad was a big deal in South Africa, but still no doubt he was a smart cookie.

Just like Bill Gates, who dropped out of Harvard, but whose dad was a big shot lawyer in Seattle (Mom a prominent socialite from a wealthy family)

Or Steve Case from Punahou School in Hawaii (my home state). His dad also a big name partner at a local firm. Case at least spent many years at Proctor and Gamble first!!!
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