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Old 06-12-2005, 10:51 AM
Onionman Onionman is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 6
Default Re: Solving the bot problem

OK, I've read this long enough.

1. Party has resorted to asking for character entry *because* there isn't really a way of detecting someone using a bot system wise; only by certain aspects of behaviour. It's perfectly feasible to hide running software. Thus, they only suspect players of using bots rather than knowing.

2. Where is this court case going to take place? Party is registered in Gibraltar. Would the case take place in Gibraltar? How would they (a) force the defendant to attend, (b) enforce the judgment. How about in the USA? If they take a US citizen to court in the USA, what hope do they have, given that many people believe that internet gambling may be illegal in the USA? Are they going to sue someone for breaking the terms of an agreement to perform a possibly illegal act? Now that's a can of worms that Party wouldn't want to open.

I know you want people to support your view that a fine would work. Perhaps you should consider the possibility that the reason you're not getting support is that a fine simply wouldn't work.


PS for comments on legality of internet poker in the USA, I'll pick one out of today's papers. "The Department of Justice says that online poker breaches the Wire Wager Act, which forbids gambling across state lines. Some states also prohibit online betting"
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