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Old 12-25-2005, 04:26 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Basing Decisions on Pot odds???

Thank you for the Merry Christmas wishes!

Yeah I think I'm 33% to win the pot, probably better in all honestly, but when I see two pair and I see the board, it's not an instacall because I have the pot odds.

I've heard some players tell me they knew they were beat but they had the right pot odds to call "so they had to" Nonsense!

I'm going to be evaluating factors like what was my opponent's betting preflop? if I'm at a B&M what was his reaction to the flop?

In this situation I would do more than just call, I'd raise and if he moved in on me, than I'd know he could have one of those hands that beats me silly like AA, QQ, JJ, K-10

All I'm trying to say is, pot odds is great for figuring how much to call on a draw, but when you have top pair or similiar you have to not only do the pot odds, but assume you know whether it's good or not, and you really don't have any idea, You'd use other factors like preflop betting, reactions, and most importantly you'd raise to find out where you are in the hand

Pot Odds is of little importance to me.
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