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Old 11-22-2005, 03:59 AM
nomadtla nomadtla is offline
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Default Re: So what poker software would you like to see?

It isn't a "software" idea. But still...

Yuu could write a code that shows how much e.v. one expects to make drawing to a certain hand. Take a gutshot draw. You drag a HH through it, and it tells you your +/-ev on that draw. It can show you how much you ACTUALLY made, and compare to the theoretical EV. One can then analyze this info to see we are drawing with the right odds, and the with the optimal conditions (last to act, not drawing dead, weak loose opponents...)

Also, calculate how frequently a draw has come in. if a draw should mathematcally come in around 8%, how many times has it REALLY come in? LIke flushes, or boats, or twopair/trip draws....

a code that shows how many times you drew to your hand and lost.

I dont' know - maybe this is clutter, but I thought i'd chip in.

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The EV calculator idea would be good, and I think it's plausable. Also make it where you can enter the HH to a certain point and have it calculate the EV of certain actions as you select them. Even have it where you could add the % that you think a villan would raise, fold etc..

We should all know how to calculate EV but sometimes it's a lot of paperwork that seems easy enough a program could be written around it by one of those people smarter then me.
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