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Old 10-11-2005, 12:18 AM
Skipbidder Skipbidder is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
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Posts: 415
Default Re: Flu Epidemic O/U

I'm calling the over, I think flu virus stuff is all bs. The theory I constantly here is, we haven't had one for a long time so like we're due....sounds like gamblers falacy. Wooooh better put all my money on black reds been up 5 times in a row.

[/ QUOTE ]although I wish it was all a hoax, it's actually a real virus that has already killed people in's not so much that oh is been a long time and we're 'due' for a pandemic...the point is that if this thing does spread, we aren't prepared with vaccinations and if you do get it, you're pretty much screwed

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They said the same thing about SARS 2 and a half years ago.

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And West Nile.

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ding ding ding

anyway i think losing a few billion would do our world good, survival of the fittest and all that

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Unless you're one of the few billion that kicks it, of course. Then it would be a tragedy.

There's always going to be a group of scientists and doctors who start sounding alarm bells whenever a new bug is discovered. The media listens to these guys, and ignores the ones who don't make the sensational predictions.

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It isn't the scientists and doctors who I blame, it is the media. Docs are naturally interested in the area they specialize in. Ask a rheumatologist what the purpose of the circulatory system is and he will tell you that it is to deliver blood to the joints. Asthma isn't nearly as sexy as West Nile Virus, but it affects a hell of a lot more people. There are docs talking about (the increasing incidence of) asthma, but they are a lot less fun to quote.

From my current (small) sample, the epidemics the world will be facing are noncompliance with diabetes and hypertension medications and failure to quit smoking. Super killer bird flu is once again much cooler to talk about.
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