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Old 12-22-2005, 03:30 PM
lehighguy lehighguy is offline
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Default Re: Is libertarianism at odds with Christianity?

From an economics point of view we should support capitalism because it provides the best possible outcome for all of society. In other words, one should oppose welfare programs because they destroy value, slow growth, and hurt the very people they are trying to help.

I have no fundamental problem with government services and wealth redistribution. I don't take a moral stand on those issues like say PVN does. I believe they are bad policy because they have been proven wrong in thoery and practice. It is not a moral question of weighing one thing against another, these policies are simply bad. They cause more problems then they solve.

Do I disagree with private charity, no. I think it is a far more effective medium. We would do much better to return tax dollars to the public and let them use thier own conscious in determining what to give. Charity at gunpoint is not charity.

As for social matters, I think it is still possible to be a fundie christian and a libraterian. You simply need to acknowledge that moral matters should be taken out of the hands of government. It doesn't require you give up your believes, it just requires you settle them as an individual in the public square rather then as a voter.
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