Thread: Cold Calling
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Old 06-08-2005, 02:34 PM
xpokerx xpokerx is offline
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Default Re: Cold Calling

Don't get me wrong, i very rareley cold call, but I strongly disagree with this comment pertaining to this arguement. People seem to think that there preflop play is the most important aspect of there game and that couldn't be further from the truth.

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Oh, I totally understand what you are saying. However, you are missing my point. I did not mean to infer that cold calling is ALWAYS wrong, but I meant to infer that it is VERY rarely right.

The FACT is that when you cold call preflop too much you make it VERY difficult to win, even with solid play post flop.

With bad starting requirements you will lose, but good players realize not to play bad hands and to stay out of the pot when it is likely that you are dominated. When I first went pro I was much more passive on the flop but still managed to turn a hefty profit.

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I understand. Basically my point was that by NOT cold calling often you take the chances of hitting really good second best hands down a couple notches. It makes it easier to make a profit when you don't make a fundamental (theory of poker) mistake by calling a hand you should have folded preflop.

I've actually experimented with several playing styles and they all turn a profit, this is because I have the ability to play the flop and later betting rounds well. If you are cold calling with bad or dominated hands this very well could be the worst leak, but this topic isn't about cold calling with dominated hands, it's about how to play your premium and other profitable hands against a raise.

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While that may be true I simply wanted to reinforce the fact that cold calling is a pretty weak play. It should not be done often. I believe I have done it once in my last 5k hands online.
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