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Old 11-02-2005, 03:14 PM
whiskeytown whiskeytown is offline
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Default Re: If John Kerry had been elected we\'d...

for starters, a better energy program.

I would like to see massive public funding into improving the renewable technologies we have right now. That's how all the other advancements mentioned (space program/nuke bomb) happened - not private industry making a toy they can build obselance into right off the bat and milk it's patents for 50 years -

Once you do that, so many other things start improving - For example - respritory diseases are higher around coal plants and in the coal industry - that's increased health costs, many of which are on the public dole cause they're poor - instead if paying big ass health care costs to make them healthy, how about we just don't make them sick?

And I'm still pissed that a party that calls itself "pro-life" rolled back restrictions on mercury emissions from those plants to the point where Doctors have to advise pregnant women not to eat fish for fear of mercury in the fish harming the fetus.

This administration has no foresight beyond the next quartly stock report.

If you told the world that in 2050 the oil will run out and we knew it for a FACT, the Democrats would say "whoa - we have to find new Technologies NOW, put restrictions on consumption, and focus all of science on finding cheap renewable energy sources for the WORLD, not just the countries with lots of money who can afford licensing fees, patent issues, intellectual property rights, etc, etc...

The Republicans would say "now how much money can we get out of the American people - we only have 50 years left - so let's make some profit."

That's what they're doing right now, in fact -

In short - in any circumstance where Big Business would do something that would be detrimental to the American People but good for business, I think Kerry would be standing and holding the line whereas Republicans will stretch out their hand, take the donation, and open the door for corporate rape of the majority of Americans.

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