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Old 10-15-2005, 05:05 AM
David Sklansky David Sklansky is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 241
Default Absolute Morals, Sins of Commission vs Omission etc.

Starting tomorrow the government of all wealthy countries asks their more well off citizens to endure the following scenario once a day. Participation is not mandatory. IF YOU CHOOSE NOT TO PARTICIPATE THEN AN ALTERNATE WHO WOULD NOT NORMALLY PARTICPATE IS CHOSEN IN YOUR STEAD.

Upon getting up in the morning they are shown a picture of a child from a third world country who for whatever reason is about to die a prolonged excruciating death. They can now press one of three buttons. If they press button one they will be given $500. If they press button two, they will be given $100 and the child will die painlessly. If they press button three, the child will be spared but they will lose $15. And again the fourth alternative is to do nothing whereupon an alternate is given these choices. What is the moral choice for this daily dilemma?
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