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Old 08-05-2005, 07:56 AM
Ortho Ortho is offline
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Posts: 180
Default Leftover Crypto WRs

By my calcs, I have 3790 in leftover WR at Inter and about 2700 at Hill. I busted a couple of months, then started playing bigger trying to increase my chance of clearing it out at small bets or bust quickly. Now I'm so far behind on both that my risk of ruin with even minimum bets (and maximum time spent) is almost 100%.

Any advice on resurrecting these? Should I just make maximum bets each month, hoping to double or quadruple the bonus to have a chance of grinding it out? Should I spend days upon days of my life trying to grind out every last dollar of WR before busting each month hoping that I catch up?

Also, since the monthly WR at Inter is 2500 (since it's now 100x25), will I clear 100 everytime I pass an increment of 2500, or will it clear only when I catch up the whole thing, or what? Should I play, say, 500 at a time, then see if anything's cleared? Or should I just give up on these?
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