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Old 12-22-2005, 01:33 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Letters of Resignation

Whatever you do, do NOT tell your boss or whoever to go F themselves. This will only make you feel good for about a day, and it won't open their eyes to some revelation. After you leave, business will most likely continue as usual. Even if it doesn't, you may have to deal with your co-workers and your boss in the near future.

I had this same situation when I left my first real job. Things were always contentious in the office, and I had my share of closed door meetings with both my manager and my partner.

My resignation letter was short and sweet. "This letter is notification of my intent to resign my position with your compnay. My last day of employment will be two weeks from this date, on X. I want to thank you and your company for giving me this opportunity." Give two letters to his wife, one for her and one for him. Tell her what the letter is, so she'll be sure to give it to him.

After working about six weeks at my second job, I got fired. If I had burned that bridge, I wouldn't have had the option to go back...which I seriously considered doing. I got a job at a different company, but I am so glad I didn't tell my first boss to F off. I was especially thankful when I found out my current employer's Christmas party was at the same time and place as the one I left, and my ex-company throws an awesome Christmas party. So I crashed it and was welcomed by everyone, including the manager and partner. Matter of fact, I ran into my old partner last night at a restaurant. He bought me a drink.

Besides, telling them off when they provided you with steady income is rude, IMO.

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