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Old 06-15-2005, 10:01 PM
kurto kurto is offline
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Location: Connecticutt
Posts: 41
Default Re: The ACLU: Do-Gooders in Action

I don't see a problem. There are people who want that. And many aren't that shy about it. The people who loudly proclaim that this is a Christian Nation and think the Bible should be the basis of our laws. They want our schools to mirror their beliefs. They want people with their beliefs to be judges. They want their religious symbols in the courthouse. These are the people that think its important to have mentions of God on our legal tender and in our pledge. They don't want gays to marriage because its against their religion.

The GOP caters to these people. You may recall during the last election the GOP sent pamphlets to all the Registered Republicans in 2 states telling them that if Kerry won, the Bible would be banned. These are the people who pushed to have the law changed so now religious groups can receive federal funds. These are the people who fight against the science of evolution being taught in schools. I even heard that pressure from the religious right also helped end the Hubble program.

And its not a shadowy organization working in secret. Its people who petition right out in the open. They fight to have prayer in schools.

And... if you think the ACLU is amazing in action... how about the GOP saying "THEY" will ban the Bible. I'd say the ACLU looks tame in comparison.

I still recall after the last election some man-on-the-street interviews and there were 2 Bush fans who said that they voted for Bush, because he's not afraid to pray. The people who believe Bush talks with God. Who buy that he's on a mission to God. And for them we have Faith Based Initiatives. They're l
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