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Old 12-22-2005, 12:41 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Do Online Players Going B&M Have a Lot of Tells?

-Don't look at your cards until it is your turn to act preflop

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I don't agree with this. It slows down the game and it basically draws everyone's attention to you at the point that you are most likely to expose facial/body language.

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The point of doing this is so no one knows what you will do before it's your turn to act, since you don't know what you will do. This prevents your giving off pre-fold / pre-call / pre-raise tells. It also allows you to look around and see how other people are reacting to their cards. As long as you can look at AA the same as 75, you should be okay.

For the OP, rule #1 protect your cards at all times. Some people put a chip on them, but I hold my cards throughout the hand with my left hand and bet with my right. Peel up the corners and make sure your neighbors can't see your cards....protect them with both hands when looking at them. Yes, acting quickly is a good idea, esp. at a low limit table.

Wouldn't worry too much about giving off tells...half the people aren't paying attention to you anyways. FWIW, I usually look at the board when I play.

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