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Old 07-25-2005, 02:57 PM
Walter Walter is offline
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Chicago
Posts: 42
Default Re: Am i thinking this right?

Keep in mind that hero smooth called the flop meaning that no reason villain puts him on the nuts.

The turn brought a flush draw, so villain's call doesn't have to mean a huge hand b/c he may have picked up something extra to his one pair (could have Kx hearts or Qx hearts) and/or thought it was a semi-bluff raise.

On the river, trip queens would almost certainly bet out, and he may have thought that the queens counterfeited your two pair. Too many possible hands that would bet to lay it down.

Despite the precipitious state of the good old greenback, 2Euro/4Euro isn't that much more than 2/4 $US.
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