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Old 06-27-2005, 07:27 PM
mack23 mack23 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 59
Default Re: Stay at home dad/poker player..... is it possible?

Gotta chime in here... I spent the first 3 months of this year as an online poker player. I have a 2 year old. My wife was working full time and my play was earning as much as her job. I was only playing 20-25 hours per week because:

1) I watched my son half the week, the other half he went to day care. I played ZERO poker during the times he was home with me and awake. (1.5 hours per day played during his nap)

2) Damn it's tough to grind out hours of poker every day.

The bottom line is this: Why would anyone play poker when they are home WITH their kids? If you are staying home to save on child care, than parenting is your job when you are home during those times, not poker. (assuming the wife is out there working) Kids come first. If you are playing for income, treat it like a job and only do it when the kids are at school, daycare, or asleep for the night. If you try to do both jobs at the same time, your play will suffer due to children's extensive needs during the day and the children will suffer due to a parent not giving them the interaction they need. Do yourself and them a favor and don't play while you are with them. That's all I got.

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