Thread: Leaking finding
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Old 05-10-2005, 09:43 PM
Jim Morgan Jim Morgan is offline
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Default Re: Leaking finding

KKQx was never a good call. Catching a K there could easily lose to a straight. Only 3 outs on turn make a straight/no flush and there is still a card to come. In essence, this moron is hoping to catch runner runner, since even an offsuit T on the river is far from a certain win.

I hate JT99, but in the BB and double-suited, it is worth seeing the flop. And, by the way, this is a very good flop for you. The danger of facing an overset is greatly reduced since you have a Jack. So, pairing the board will probably give you a scooper. Even with one less out you still still get to the end with the best hand in the neighborhood of 30% of the time. Your flush draw may not help your hand much, but it will give you some defense against the flush draws. In this particular hand, you would have won if the player with KKQ had made the correct play of folding.

This sort of play is an example of how schooling can and does take place in O-8. If you had lost to a Q-high dia fluxh, then you would have been a victim of schooling too.
On that flop the only really decent holdings are JJ, 99, KQT and the nut diamonds. Since the pot was raised, hands with a backdoor low draw (with protection) and some semblance of
a high, such as backdoor spades or a gutshot straight are marginally playable.

My personal choice with this hand would be to check raise since the pot was raised because I really want to get people out. Had the flop been unrasied, I'd just bet out and expect that the small pot size would help eliminate players.
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