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Old 09-22-2005, 10:26 AM
Cooker Cooker is offline
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Posts: 159
Default Re: PLO8 -- who plays bad?

I think I agree with Ribbo (whose advice and style I have just recently began to fully appreciate). Both players still in with you have stuck in raises on the flop, but you have solid blockers against better straights/same straight. This is weird action for neither of them to turn up the nuts, but AQ is unlikely due to you holding QQ (maybe you should check the odds to see just how unlikely for future reference). I suspect the villain might just have a nut flush draw and figures he will be getting around 2 to 1 on a push since 2 players have already put in fairly big bets. You have blockers though, so you are in pretty good shape here. I think otherguy still in has trips. It could be the other way around, but then I think otherguy wouldn't put in the raise after a bet and a caller with just an FD (unless you have a read that he is a little crazy with FDs which some people are). In the long run with 2 other people paying in you are going to be good often enough to go ahead and push. Sometimes your flush draw may be good backup when you are against the AQ.
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