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Old 12-09-2005, 02:50 AM
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Default Re: A Very Sincere Reply


We already know why such qualities are present. The more important question would be why would God give us, among other incredible qualities, reason, that does not exist in any other living thing on Earth? The ability to question whether something is morally right or wrong, in defiance of the selfish, "rational" innate desire?

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It seems the more important question would be why did god give us a deficient immune system, a deficient eye, etc.. and that apply to "healthy" beings, why would a god allows, or intervene, in the conception to ensure that there are some that are born in unviable form, or seriously disadvantged forms, etc...

And indeed I think it right to question the immorality of such a god should one believe in it, rather than subvert the meaning of the word love by superimposing it on such a thing. By the way this only, touches ,on the apparent immorality of the being that you call god. There are heaps more examples to list. I do not mean to sound disrepectful, but I find it obscene and, worst, it is achieved via a sort of perversion of language which is only attributable to the worst forms of propangada. Orwell's 1984 double talk comes to mind here.
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