Thread: The Crusades
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Old 12-02-2005, 03:08 AM
Chris Alger Chris Alger is offline
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Default Re: The Crusades

This is another tacit agreement: instead of responding to the evidence, you resort to meangingless denials. The fact remains that you advocate cruelty (land confiscation, war, etc.) toward innocent members of other national, ethnic and religious groups for reasons that you would never tolerate if applied to the yourself. To take an egregious example, you have often advocated seizing land and other collective punishments from "the Arabs" -- meaning innocent others -- if any Arab commits any terrorist act. At the same time, you deny that "the Americans" should ever be collectively punished for the many depredations committed by them, even when such acts are taken not individually or lawlessly but as popular acts of a democratic state. In those cases, you dismiss the crime as a mistake, an abberation or "in the past" and therefore unworthy of concern. When it's the other guy, as in this thread, ancient aggressions merit violent, savage responses against descendants some 300 years hence and therefore presumably forever, a perpetual reign of sadistic vengence that you try to rationalize with a few inapposite denunciations of "fascism." It's a double standard so obvious that only the appalling reality of it being a norm of the American right merits explaining it over and over again.

This proves that your purported reasons for violence have no pincipled basis and can't be taken seriously, leaving only the motive of racism to explain yourself, a fact that you continue to underscore by refusing to face up to your contradictions.
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