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Old 12-20-2005, 05:19 PM
SomethingClever SomethingClever is offline
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Posts: 3
Default Re: Two hands against tough LAG

Regarding the flop cap on hand 2...

I see it as partly for deception, partly for value. If I can get him to fold an overpair or TPBK (top pair, better kicker) when more diamonds come out, for example, it would be huge.

As for the value, his bet/3bet doesn't mean that much, as we know he will pump draws and semi-bluff raise. So there's a good chance I'm ahead anyway.

At this point, I think his hand range is something like:

Overpair: 10%
Top pair: 30%
Middle or bottom pair: 30%
Flush draw: 20%
Monster: 10%

Now, even when he has top pair, his kicker could easily be smaller than mine. One stat I forgot to include is that his ATSB is like 60.

Someone please tell me if I'm retarded.
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