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Old 05-13-2005, 03:05 PM
grouchie grouchie is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 92
Default Re: This needs to be settled, vote on Empire here

Honestly, I say who cares.
Sure, the people who got banned will be annoyed for a little about the 100 bucks a month they are losing out on, but the rest are now going to play more often so they don't lose out on that potential bonus.

This is the same thing that online Casino's have been doing for a while because of bonus-abuse. Of course, now everyone is up in arms because it is touching a little closer to home for them, but really we should have seen this coming.

So, scratch one site off of your list of places to whore and you are still left with a tablet full of bonus's that you can chase elsewhere.

As the months go on the bonus's have been getting less juicy from the party network anyways. 5x to 7x and 10x (and 400x in the case of multipoker). It's going to even itself out to the point that the bonus's on the party network are going to more closely resemble the bonus's from everywhere else (or at least that is how it appears to be trending), so whore it while you can.
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