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Old 12-01-2005, 01:28 PM
Sam T. Sam T. is offline
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Default Re: Two interesting PF decisions in the same hand with AK

UTG: 99+, ATs+, AJo+
UTG+1: Any pocket pair, Axs, suited connectors down to 56s
CO: Any pocket pair, suited broadways, AQ+
Button: Yech. TT+, AQs+, AK.

I'd probably re-raise the first time around to t2500-3000. (I don't feel like doing the math, but enough to price out the original raiser if he doesn't love his hand.)

With no read on the button, the second time around I...I guess play it the same way you did. I don't think he's folding, and unless you have a stone-cold read that he's on AA or KK, you can't fold.

I was trying to decide if calling, and then pushing any flop would be a viable option, but I guess that would only get called by hands that beat you if you miss the flop, and would fold out QQ or JJ if you hit it. So scratch that.
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