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Old 12-26-2005, 02:33 PM
Lmn55d Lmn55d is offline
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Posts: 5
Default Preflop Calculation

Hey I was talking to Our House and I did a little preflop calculation and figured I'd post it here to get your thoughts. The key variables here are the 25% I thought it gets capped and the adjustment of 7.5:1 to 10:1 to make up the times you hit, lose, and get owned (this part is the key so I want your opinions on the adjutment).

25% of the time hero is getting 13.5:3 and 75% he is getting 10.5:2 which averages to 11.25:2.25.

If we say he needs 10:1 or 22.5:2.25 (instead of 7.5:1) to make up for when he hits a set and lose he needs to make up the difference between 11.25 and 22.25 which is 11 sb or 5.5 BB.
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