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Old 11-02-2005, 04:19 PM
imported_Chuck Weinstock imported_Chuck Weinstock is offline
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 97
Default Re: \"Unions are Evil\"

One can argue that the unions and management of the US steel industry joined together to destroy that industry in the 1970's. Does that make them evil? Probably not (same for management.) But it was criminally stupid of both sides.

I haven't studied the auto industry as much so I can't make the same claim about the UAW and the Big Three automakers, but I'd be willing to bet that there is a strong parallel.

FWIW, my Father's company was essentially put out of business by the Union (this was in the 1970's as well.) It's a long story which I'd be happy to share at some other time, but basically it had to do with job classifications and (domestic) competition and even though the Union never had a complaint with my Dad's company and always were treated properly they refused to negotiate on this and the company shut its doors. The company was in a vibrant industry in Chicago. Within 2 or 3 years after this what was left of the industry in Chicago was gone as well. Evil? No. Stupid? I think so but YMMV.

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