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Old 12-27-2005, 04:42 PM
RIDGE45 RIDGE45 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 49
Default Re: Addiction is a disease?

Physical addiction could be indeed labeled a disease.

You show me a full blown alcoholic that has quite cold turkey. You can't do it because your body is dependant on alcohol. The withdrawl is unbearable, and the only thing that helps it?? You got it...alcohol.

Do you think you have enough "will power" or psychological control to not have alcohol when you are seeing, feeling, and hearing things that do not exist?

There comes a point in alcohol addiction where you can not psychologically overcome/control the urges to drink because your body can not function normally or feel normal without alcohol.

I am not saying AA, etc. are the best choice but you can not just decide to quite drinking one day if you have been an alcoholic for years. You need serious help and aid to succeed, and not die.

I equate it to being starved and having food in front of you...there is only so long you will be able to wait until you will eat that food.
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