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Old 12-09-2005, 11:34 PM
gila gila is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 52
Default Re: what is the program that corrects the rake you have paid from PT?

Here is the scipt, someone else will have to show you how to use them if you don't know.

select sum(rake / (select count(played_hand) from game_players gp where played_hand = 'Y' and gp.game_id = g.game_id)) as MGR,
sum(rake / (select count(played_hand) from game_players gp where played_hand = 'Y' and gp.game_id = g.game_id)) * RAKEBACK as rakeback
from game g
where (select played_hand from game_players gp where player_id = (select player_id from players where screen_name = 'SCREENNAME') and gp.game_id = g.game_id) = 'Y'
and date_part('month', g.date_played) = MONTH

Few things:
- Change RAKEBACK to a numerical value representing the rakeback percent you get. ie. if you get 25%, change it to 0.25
- Change SCREENNAME to your screenname. ie. if your screenname is DERB, then change it to DERB (leave the quotes there)
- Change MONTH to a number from 1-12 representing the month you want to look at. ie. if you want to see your rakeback for this month so far (november) change it to 11
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