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Old 09-28-2005, 11:17 PM
Sully Sully is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 8
Default Re: Obsessive-compulsive walking patterns / cracks / lines / etc.

I have always been a stair counter. I usually go up them two at a time, and don't like to do a "one step" if the flight of stairs turns at an odd number, so I have to to a big step around the turn to keep my pace steady. To avoid having to do that, I will make my first step onto a familiar flight of odd-numbered stairs only one step, instead of two, so that I don't have to do anything crazy when I get to the top of the flight. I still know exatly how many stairs are in every house I have lived in or building I have worked.

Also, I have to make sure that my turn signal flashes in groups of four. If I accidentally go to five, I have to correct it with one quick blink the opposite direction to "fix" it.

I also have to count bumps when I'm skiing moguls, and count groups of steps when I'm jogging.
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