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Old 12-12-2005, 05:12 PM
PTjvs PTjvs is offline
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Default Re: Favorite atheletes

Comparing amphetamines & illegal steriods is ridiculous. There is a big difference between being against the ulres of baseball & being illegal as hell. Steroids weren't explicitly banned in baseball, but because they are illegal to own & use, using them before they were banned is obviously big big cheats. Besides, it's pretty obviously that barry is an ass in general, not just to the media. i seem to recall him commenting on wanting to break Ruth's record because he was white, and there are countless other examples.

For my favorite athlete, I'm going to break the rules of this thread & pick someone who was very recently on "my team"; Sean Casey. There is no athlete who better exemplifies the class that Bonds lacks than Casey.

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