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Old 05-30-2005, 01:19 AM
InkyWretch InkyWretch is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 63
Default Re: Who the best and worst tippers?? (For Dealers, but anyone is welcome

Mason is right.

A new cardroom just opened here. An older guy, probably in his 60s, named Chip is working there as a dealer. Turns out, he dealt in Vegas years and years ago.

He rakes in more tips than anybody else because he keeps the game going in a professional manner and because he's able to carry on a conversation while doing so.

He and I have a standing agreement that he'll tell stories from the old days in Vegas at $1 per. He was telling a few one night and nobody else was taking care of him. So he started whispering the stories to me when I folded. It was pissing off a few of the other players. But Chip just smiled and said "This gentleman is the only one paying to hear the stories. If you'll follow his lead, you'll all get to hear what he's hearing."

Obviously, new dealers won't have those experiences to help build tips. But you can learn from watching the older guys.
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