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Old 12-23-2005, 01:07 AM
AceofSpades AceofSpades is offline
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Default Re: Strategy question on getting deep

your edge on small pairs is greater (against two overcards) if you see three cards and make him fold on a missed flop or call your bet with overs, than if you see all five cards. Which is why you'd want to be all-in preflop with a hand like AK against a small pair.

So in spots like that I'd like to call and then bet any flop. Or reraise (not all in) and then bet any flop.
Of course you are really dependent on a stack size (if you don't have enough play left with the blinds size) or if you think your opponent has something like A7 when you have TT, in a situation like that you want to be all in preflop.

So is it a bad play- No and you probably do need to win some coinflips in order to win a tournament. But there are other options that are better.

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