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Old 03-19-2004, 09:30 AM
Festus22 Festus22 is offline
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Default Re: Confessions of a Winholdem User

First we have:

"they intentionally chose not to release a strong formula set with the license."

Followed by:

"...if we released a champion formula set to the general population who might not be able to produce such a set on their own..."

And then:

"please explain to us how publically releasing a seriously strong formula set is good for you?"

And now the grand closing:

"ok, please see this 2+2 thread for our attempt to consult with the worlds greatest poker minds:"

So let's see, the first three quotes clearly indicate the "team" at winholdem has "seriously strong formulas" available but won't release them since the general poker population isn't worthy of receiving such enlightenment.

But this is curiously followed by the last quote requesting consulting "from the world's greatest poker minds".

So winholdem will not release their double-secret championship winning formulas. Yet mr. winholdem blows a gasket when the great poker minds choose not to release their championship formulas to him.


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