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Old 11-14-2005, 09:48 AM
frizzfreeling frizzfreeling is offline
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 58
Default Re: Your bluff is dead in the water

Bush worked with the best though imperfect intel and advice that he had and believed that we couldn't run the risk of Saddam acquiring WMD's no matter how low the probability might have been. And the quotes above clearly show that the Democrats believed the same and are now hypocrites and the actual liars if they claim Bush lied.

I believed the president and was for the war. I thought I had no reason not to believe him. Then, after the war took place, I found out the truth about the so called "intelligence" like the rest of the country, including the democrats in congress who didnt have any where near the access to the intelligence that bush had and were relying on his word just like me. Turns out, if I had known what I do now about the intel, I wouldnt have been for the invasion... not even close. This does not make me either a lier or a hipocrit. It only means that I trusted the leader of our country not to lie or "stretch" the facts to start a WAR, and that I was wrong in doing so.
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