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Old 10-13-2005, 06:18 PM
DougShrapnel DougShrapnel is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 55
Default Re: The real reason why evolution is in conflict with religion

No, RJT was right when he said that evolution can continue, but man would change to the point that he would no longer be man. For Christians, Jesus was the Incarnate God Man, and he came to save men, not some evolved Superman who is above rational that might emerge in the future. So evolution could still continue and not contradict one's religious belief or belief in God.

As I stated earlier, the real fight is not against evolution itself, but the atheistic belief within it.

Also, nothing is nothing, it has no nature.

[/ QUOTE ]Your fist statement was more of what I was expecting as a response. We are the special creation of God. I believe this is a core tennet of xtianity. And I believe it to be in conflict with evolution continueing.

To your 2nd thought, well yeah, of course atheism is in conflict with theism. Unfortunelty, the fundementalist views of creation in your scripture are in direct conflict with history. Provided you realize genesis means god did it, we don't know how but we know he did, then you would be smart to learn from that transaction. To learn that when a religous view and our observation are in conflict the religious view is the one likely to be wrong.

And to the nothing point let me rephrase. When we say that something cannot come from nothing. It our misunderstanding, or lack of knowledge, about the; universe, the objects withen the universe, what was before the universe, what matter fundementaly is, the nature of time, wholey the nature of what you assume is nothing, or of course the nature of what you assume is something, and lastly the effect of time on what you assume is nothing, and what you assume is something. What that goofy stamement means is that you(read: everyone) does not know the exact process that created the universe(read: our ignorance and predispotions) as well as the nature of time(read: the process and creation of universes). We could just say "God did it", and you have chosen that path. I will keep my mind open on it.
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