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Old 11-27-2005, 11:00 PM
peritonlogon peritonlogon is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2004
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Default Re: How do you convince idiots their blind structure is retarded?

Aren't the pertinent questions "what type of a game does one want?" and "about how long should it last?"

1st question includes: how many players? how should end game be played? Should the game favor aggression, tightness or luck? and perhaps a few more.

How many players is important because you need your average stack to maintain the desired number of big blinds as people get eliminated (this does not have to be stagnant.)

How should endgame be played is important if you have 2 tables or more (since a small step into a one table game is endgame). This is where it might be worth it to make the average number of big blinds per stack bigger (which favors aggresion) or the number of big blinds smaller (whcih favors tightness) or to make the game played the same.

Also, there are three normal ways that the blinds can go up: time intervals, player elimination, and hands played. A mixture of these could be used too.

Think about the desired results, then design the game structure around it. Much easier that way than just picking out some other person's structure and seeing if you happen to like it.

As for how to convince idiots their blind structure is retarted: Tell him that You don't like the blind structure's results, explain to said idiot how the blind structure dictates these reslults and if said idiot says he likes his retarded blind structure because it is fun and favors idiots, he may not be as dumb as you think he is.
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