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Old 10-03-2005, 03:55 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Chip Tricks Rant you can shuffle your can do the pullover, the sweep, the finger flip, the thumb flip, the Johnny Chan, the Switch, The Pickover, The Bounce, and the Chip Roll. You can even do the Twirl, and the friggin' Knuckle Roll. Great. Now leave it off the tables.
Now, if you want to show your friends at home and amaze your family, fine. But why do you insist on pulling these out at the casino? All you can ever hear now at the table is people shuffling their chips. Its annoying and its unnecessary. Its a damn poker game, why are you bouncing your chips from one hand to another or twirling them in your hand while you sit there for 3 minutes and(apparently) ponder calling that 5 dollar bet? Just fold you SOB. Or call, or raise. Dont play it up..dont dramatize it..dont keep us in suspense. Just do it.
Maybe you'd like it if next time youre waiting on me to make a big decision in a pot against you, you look over and Ive decided to put together a model railroad while i think about it...Or maybe ill amaze you by (apparently) ripping a 20 dollar bill in pieces and it magically reappearing in my hand?
Bottom need for the tricks...earn respect by playing well. Dont take more time making a decision than you need to. Just c/r/f. And when were done we can go to a bar and you can teach me how to do the damn Butterfly...

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